What is StudentPreneur Bootcamp 5.0?
StudentPreneur Bootcamp 5.0 was initiated by MICRA Indonesia to support the creation of student entrepreneurs in the new era. This will be according to their academic background, interests, and talents through media workshops, training, and mentoring carried out with a hybrid concept (Offline and Online).
The materials that will be delivered in each session are self-capacity development material, life skills in Era Society 5.0, and student business development strategies. The learning process is carried out within a student center, and the contextual approach is packaged in the spirit of the 'Gen Z'.
This program is expected to provide good ecosystem support for the growth of the entrepreneurial spirit of students to face the challenges of an adaptive Indonesia in the future.
Why Join the StudentPreneur Bootcamp 5.0?
Support for the Merdeka Belajar (Freedom of Learning) Program To be in line with Kampus Merdeka as one of the policies of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology. This is to improve the competence of graduates, both soft skills and hard skills, to be more prepared and relevant to the needs of the times, and to prepare graduates as future leaders of the nation with superior personality.
Student Capacity Building Assistance Experiential learning through exchange studies, training, mentoring, and student initiative projects so students can develop their potential according to their interests and talents.
Support for Building an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Be in one with the efforts of universities and local governments in building an entrepreneurship ecosystem in universities so students have an independent, strong, and creative mentality.
What Will You Get from the StudentPreneur Bootcamp 5.0?
For universities, international/national-scale seminars/workshops will be facilitated, and other
potential partnerships with other organizations in the field of investment, research, scholarship, and comparative study through MICRA Indonesia. Students will get the following facilities and support:
Aptitude and interest test for participants.
6 months program duration including workshops, training, and mentoring.
StudentPreneur Kit, Training Module (PDF), Productive Community development support.
Protection product that guarantees the completion of college for participating students whose guardians die from illness/other causes during the 1-year program duration.
StudentPreneur Participant Certificate from MICRA Indonesia.
Potential to take part in an internship program of MICRA Indonesia.
To register for this program, please refer to the links below based on your location.
For StudentPreneur Batch 2 participants who have gone through training for approximately 6 months, now is the time for you to show your business idea that you want to start. MICRA will give you a prize of MILLIONS OF RUPIAH CASH! Please click the following link for more information.